Process View Options

Several items in the Options and View menus affect the way processes display:

Configure Highlighting: select this menu item under the Options menu to open a dialog box that allows you to configure highlight colors used in the Process View and the DLL view.

Highlight Services: on Windows NT and higher this option has Process Explorer show processes that are running Win32 services in the service process highlight color. The Services tab of the process properties dialog shows the list of services running within a process. You can change the highlight color with the Options|Configure Colors dialog.

Highlight Jobs: on Windows 2000 and higher choose this option to have Process Explorer show processes that are part of a Win32 Job in the Job object highlight color. Jobs group processes together so that they can be managed as a single item and are used by the Runas command, for example. Use the Job tab of the process properties dialog to see the list of processes running in the same job as the selected process and to see job limits that have been applied to the job. You can change the highlight color with the Options|Configure Colors dialog.

Highlight .NET Processes: this option appears on Windows NT-based systems that have the .NET Framework installed. When the option is checked managed applications (those that use the .NET Framework) are highlighted in the .NET process highlight color. You can change the highlight color with the Options|Configure Colors dialog.

Highlight Own Processes: on Windows NT and higher checking this option results in Process Explorer showing in the own-process highlight color the processes that are running in the same user account as Process Explorer. You can change the highlight color with the Options|Configure Colors dialog.

Show Fractional CPU: when this option is selected Process Explorer shows CPU usage to two decimal places. This can be useful to identify processes that would otherwise appear idle, but that are performing background processing.